Click to open or copy the files for the SymEdit sample.
Click to open or copy the Bin directory (required).
Click to open or copy the Lib directory (required).
Click to open or copy the Include directory (required).
This sample is a symbol editor. It has the following functions:
This sample uses the following keywords:
_splitpath; adjustptr; calculatentimagepointers; calculateoutputfilepointers; closehandle; coff_dir; computechecksum; convertcofftocv; convertsymtocv; copyfile; copyfilea; createfile; createfilemapping; cv_dir; defined; deletefilea; docofftocv; doextract; donamechange; dostrip; dosymtocv; exit; fatalerror; filealign; fprintf; free; getmodulehandle; loadstring; malloc; mapfileandchecksum; mapinputfile; mapoutputfile; mapviewoffile; memcpy; memset; mungedebugheaderscofftocv; mungeexename; openfile; printcopyright; printf; printusage; processcommandlineargs; puts; readdebuginfo; readfile; res_str; sectionalign; setendoffile; setfilepointer; splitsymbols; strcmp; strcpy; strdup; switch; toupper; unmapinputfile; unmapviewoffile; va_end; va_start; vsprintf; writedebuginfo; writefile