TaskSched: Task Scheduler Sample

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This sample demonstrates the scheduling agent API provided with installation of the Scheduling Agent package. The sample mimics the functionality of the AT command through the Scheduling Agent APIs, as opposed to the NetSchedule API used by AT. This sample implements only a small subset of the AT command set, but should be easily extensible.

The output of the sample program is one of four possibilities:

SA.cpp contains all code needed to build the simple job submission tool. This sample demonstrates calls to methods of the following new interfaces:

  1. ITaskScheduler

  2. ITask

  3. ITaskTrigger

  4. IEnumWorkItems

This application is similar in functionality to the "AT" command provided with Windows NT. However, the AT command functions through the NetSchedule APIs, as opposed to the COM interfaces demonstrated here. The Task Scheduler replaces Atsvc.exe and implements those APIs as a restricted subset of the new ones demonstrated here.

On Win9x systems, the Task Scheduler replaces the System Agent, providing more flexible and reliable scheduling options than previously available. However, although the SAGE jobs are converted to Task Scheduler work items, the actual SAGE API has been abandoned and is not implemented. The Task Scheduler APIs provide a greater degree of freedom and robustness than those APIs. This code demonstrates a stripped version of AT rewritten to use the new APIs.

About Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler is a scheduling service and user interface that is available as a common resource with the Microsoft Windows® 98 operating system. Windows 98 includes Task Scheduler as a Component Object Model (COM) interface. Task Scheduler manages all aspects of job scheduling: starting jobs, enumerating currently running jobs, tracking job status, and so on. In Task Scheduler, the user works with a folder under My Computer called Scheduled Tasks, which lists currently scheduled items and enables creation of new tasks. The Task Scheduler replaces the Microsoft Windows® 95 System Agent.

For more information, see Component Object Model.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_getmbcp; activate; addjob; cleanup; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; converttosystemtime; cotaskmemfree; couninitialize; createtrigger; delete; deletejob; displayhelp; enum; enumeratejobs; failed; getlocaltime; gettriggercount; gettriggerstring; lstrcmpia; multibytetowidechar; newworkitem; next; queryinterface; release; save; setaccountinformation; setapplicationname; setcomment; setflags; setparameters; settrigger; switch; wcslen; wcstoul; wprintf; wscanf