TextFX: TextFX Template for Windows Applications

Click to open or copy the files for the TextFX sample.

This sample has the following files and functions.

FX.c - Functions for rendering text with special effects:

Function Description
FillOut Converts an array of line segments into an array of all the points in the segments.
RenderPathPoints Renders the outline of points returned from GetPath.
RenderAndFillPath Renders the points returned from GetPath as a filled polygon.
TextEffect Draws a string of text between two guide lines.

Guide.c - Routines for handling guide lines:

Function Description
GetGuideLine Retrieves a guide line from the user.  A guide line is just an array of line segments.
ShowGuide Displays a guide line into a DC.

TextFX.c - TextFX template for Windows applications:

Function Description
GetLastErrorBox Reports GetLastError values as text.
WinMain Calls the initialization function and processes the message loop.
InitApplication Initializes window data and registers window.
InitInstance Saves instance handle and creates main window.
WndProc Processes messages.
CenterWindow Centers the About dialog box over the application window.
About Processes messages for the About dialog box.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addsegment; beginpaint; beginpath; checkmenuitem; choosefont; closefigure; countpoints; createfontindirect; createpen; createsolidbrush; createwindow; defwindowproc; deleteobject; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; ellipse; enddialog; endpaint; endpath; fillout; fillpath; formatmessage; getclientrect; getdc; getguideline; getlasterror; getlasterrorbox; getmenu; getmessage; getpath; getrealtextextent; getstockobject; gettextextentpoint32; globalalloc; globalfree; initapplication; initinstance; invalidaterect; linedda; lineto; loadcursor; localfree; makelangid; memset; messagebox; movetoex; patblt; peekmessage; polybezierto; polydraw95; polyline; postquitmessage; rand; randfloat; random; registerclass; releasecapture; releasedc; renderandfillpath; renderpathpoints; rgb; selectobject; setbkmode; setcapture; setlasterror; setrop2; showguide; showwindow; srand; strcpy; strokepath; texteffect; textout; time; translatemessage; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; waitmessage; winmain; wndproc; zeromemory