TextOut: Rendering Text Data in AVI Files

Click to open or copy the files for the TextOut sample.

This sample is a text stream draw renderer for rendering text data in AVI files. To install it on Windows® 95, copy the DLL to the system directory and add the following line to [drivers32] section of System.ini:


On Windows® NT, install the sample from the Drivers applet in Control Panel, pointing to the sample directory. The example text stream is in Output.avi, created by the WriteAVI sample.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_fstrlen; configure; configuredlgproc; defdriverproc; dialogboxparam; dllmain; dpf2; dprintf; dprintf2; draw; drawbegin; drawend; drawquery; driverproc; enddialog; exttextout; free; getinfo; getprofileint; getstate; getstockfont; hmemcpy; load; loadstring; localalloc; localfree; lstrcat; lstrcpy; mbstowcs; messagebox; min; mmiofourcc; open; outputdebugstring; queryabout; queryconfigure; selectfont; setrect; setstate; switch; va_end; va_start; wvsprintf