Tile: DirectAnimation Direct Draw Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the Tile sample.

This sample takes an empty direct draw primary surface, which is created in tile.cpp, and passes it to the DAView object for rendering.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_bstr_t; _ftime; _t; _tcscat; _tcscpy; blt; clienttoscreen; cocreateinstance; coinitialize; colorhslanim; cos; couninitialize; createclipper; createdirectdraw; createinstance; createsurface; createsurfaces; createwindowex; crop; danumber; defwindowproc; destroywindow; dispatchmessage; doinit; dump_com_error; error; errormessage; exclude; finiobjects; getclientrect; getcurrentdirectory; getforegroundwindow; getmessage; getstockobject; gettickcount; gradientsquare; importimage; initdxaviewobj; initfail; isiconic; islost; loadcursor; loadicon; messagebox; mul; myrange; outputdebugstring; overlay; peekmessage; point2anim; postmessage; postquitmessage; recreatesurfaces; redrawwindow; registerclass; release; releasesurfaces; rename; rename_namespace; render; resetdxasurfaces; restore; restoreall; scale2uniformanim; setclipper; setcooperativelevel; setcursor; sethwnd; setrect; setviewport; showwindow; sin; solidcolorimage; sprintf; startmodel; startole; switch; tick; tile; transform; translate2anim; translatemessage; updateframe; updatewindow; waitmessage; windowproc; winmain