TList: Task List Application Sample

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The TList sample is a task list application.

File Description
Tlist.c Task list application
Kill.c Task killer application
Common.c Common APIs used by Tlist and Kill

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

adjusttokenprivileges; atol; closehandle; enabledebugpriv; enabledebugpriv95; enabledebugprivnt; enumwindows; enumwindowsproc; exitprocess; fprintf; free; getcommandline; getcommandlineargs; getcurrentprocess; getcurrentprocessid; getlasterror; getmodulehandle; getprocaddress; gettasklist; gettasklist95; gettasklistnt; getversionex; getwindowtext; getwindowthreadprocessid; getwindowtitles; isdigit; isspace; killprocess; lookupprivilegevalue; lstrcpy; makelangid; malloc; matchpattern; memset; min; openprocess; openprocesstoken; pcreatetoolhelp32snapshot; postmessage; pprocess32first; pprocess32next; printf; printtask; realloc; regclosekey; regopenkeyex; regqueryvalueex; sprintf; strcat; strchr; strcpy; stricmp; strupr; terminateprocess; toupper; usage; widechartomultibyte