Tree: Sample for Building and Viewing Container Hierarchy

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Tree.exe is a console mode application that builds and displays a tree of the container hierarchy. For each container, the container's type and tag are displayed, followed by a list of filters (possibly empty) which may be acted upon directly at that level of the hierarchy. Following the filter list is a folder list. The folder list gives the folder's type and tag, its filter list, and then a list of scalars for the folders. The scalar display shows the scalar name, type, and access mode. For filters, a list of the filter's attributes are displayed.

For more information, see Tree.exe in the Microsoft SMS API.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

addcontainer; didrequesthelp; displaygreeting; displayhelp; docontainer; dofilter; dofolder; doscalars; dumpscalar; enumerated; filter; findfilter; gets; getsize; inputstring; isenumerated; memset; printf; smsapiver; smsenumcontainers; smsenumfilters; smsenumfolders; sprintf; strcat; strcmp