VB4Addin: Add-in Created with Visual Basic 4.0

Click to open or copy the VB4Addin project files.

This sample demonstrates the minimal hooks needed to create a Visual C++ 6.0 add-in using Visual Basic 4.0 (32 bit) Enterprise edition.

To build the sample

  1. Start Visual Basic 4.0.

  2. Load the project file (addin.vbp) and build the project.

  3. Place the vb4addin.dll in \Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\addins.

To run the sample

  1. Start Visual C++ and click Customize on the Tools menu.

  2. Choose the Add-ins and Macro Files tab, and select the VBAddin Sample in the list box

    VB4Addin.dll creates a small toolbar that is visible when you close the Customize dialog box.

  3. Click the VB4Addin button on the newly created toolbar. A dialog box will appear indicating that the Addin is correctly installed and working.