Video Samples

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Sample Description
AVIedit Simple AVI editing application using the editing APIs in AVIfile.
AVIview Simple AVI viewing application using the read/write APIs in AVIfile.
CAPtest Sample capture application that uses the AVICap capture window class.
DSEQfile AVIfile file handler for DIB sequences. Implemented in C++.  To install, execute dseqfile.reg and copy dll to system dir. Can be used with AVIedit or AVIview.
LangPlay Plays back multi-audio stream AVI files. Multilng.avi is an example file found on the CD.
MovPlay Simple application for playing movies using MCI.  Builds two versions, one using mciSendCommand and another using mciSendString.
Mplay Simple AVI playback application.  Includes a subset of the features in Media Player and uses the MCIWnd window class.
PalMap Stream handler that translates video streams into new streams of a different bit depth--for example, it can translate from 24-bit to 8-bit.  Copy dll to system directory and use with AVIview, 'Find Optimal Palette' menu item.
TextOut Text stream draw renderer for rendering text data in AVI files.  To install on Win95, copy dll to system dir and add the following line to [drivers32] section of system.ini: txts.draw=txtout32.dll. On NT, install from control panel, drivers applet, pointing to the sample directory. Example text stream is in Output.avi, created by the WRITEAVI sample.
VidCap Full-featured video capture application.
WriteAVI Example showing how to use the AVIfile interface to write files such as those that AVIview reads.

The following video-related samples are in the Audio Samples section:

MCIplay Simple video playback application. Uses MCIWnd.
MCIpuzzl Application lets you make a 15-square puzzle of a playing video sequence. Shows how to use installable draw procedures.
MMcaps Sample that shows the multimedia capabilities of the hardware.

Building SDK Samples