WebPost: APIs for Updating and Uploading Content

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This sample demonstrates APIs for updating content on Web sites.

If you are authoring an application which will use the Web Publishing API or SPI, then go to the BIN directory of the Internet Client SDK and run Wpsdk.exe to install the necessary DLLs on your system. Then consult the API-usage sample in WBPOST.

If you are authoring a Web Publishing Service Provider for use with the Web Publishing API, you should install the complete Web Publishing Wizard so that you can test your provider (this SDK only contains the DLLs required by authors writing to the Web Publishing API).

This SDK includes the source code for a stubbed Service Provider. This code is ready to be compiled, and, when registered with REGSVR32, will install an "empty" provider on your system called "Web Publishing Service Provider Stub". All you need to do to implement your own provider is fill in the implementations of the Service Provider methods.

Building SDK Samples