WriteAVI: AVIfile Interface Sample

Click to open or copy the files for the WriteAVI sample.

This example shows how to use the AVIfile interface to write files such as those that AVIview reads. It creates the file Output.avi, an AVI file consisting of a rotating clock face.

This is a stripped-down example; a real application would have a user interface and check for errors.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_fmemset; avifileclose; avifilecreatestream; avifileexit; avifileinit; avifileopen; avimakecompressedstream; avisaveoptions; avistreamclose; avistreamsetformat; avistreamwrite; createcompatiblebitmap; createcompatibledc; createfont; createpen; createsolidbrush; deletebitmap; deletebrush; deletedc; deletefont; deleteobject; deletepen; ellipse; exttextout; fillrect; freeframes; getdc; getdevicecaps; getdibits; getobject; getstockbrush; globalalloc; globalfreeptr; globallock; globalunlock; lineto; loadstring; makedib; makeframes; messagebeep; messagebox; mmiofourcc; movetoex; releasedc; rgb; selectbitmap; selectbrush; selectfont; selectpen; setbkcolor; setrect; settextcolor; videoforwindowsversion; winmain; wsprintf