WSock: Demonstration of the Windows Sockets API

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This sample demonstrates the basics of sockets programming, specifically for Windows Sockets. It demonstrates how to accept incoming connections (using the Windows Sockets Asynchronous Extension APIs, threads, and traditional BSD-style blocking calls) and how to connect to remote hosts. Once connected, you can send a text string to the remote host. Wsock also allows the user to view information on a user-entered host name.

Wsock demonstrates how to use AcceptEx, which is a Microsoft specific extension to Windows Sockets and which is only supported on Windows NTŪ.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

_beginthread; _endthread; accept; acceptex; acceptthreadproc; atoi; bind; closesocket; connect; createevent; createwindow; defwindowproc; dialogbox; dispatchmessage; displayhostent; enablemenuitem; enddialog; filladdr; getdlgitem; getdlgitemtext; gethostbyname; gethostname; getmenu; getmessage; getsendstring; getservbyname; getstockobject; gettcpport; htons; initapplication; initinstance; listen; loadcursor; mainwndproc; makeword; memcpy; messagebox; postquitmessage; recv; registerclass; send; senddlgitemmessage; setconnectmenus; setfocus; setsockopt; setwindowtext; showwindow; socket; sprintf; switch; translatemessage; unreferenced_parameter; updatewindow; winmain; wsaasyncselect; wsacleanup; wsagetlasterror; wsagetselecterror; wsagetselectevent; wsastartup; wsprintf