Add OLE Standard Resources

To add OLE standard resources

  1. In ResourceView, right-click the Scribble Resources folder.

  2. From the pop-up menu, click Resource Includes.

    The Resource Includes dialog box appears.

  3. In the Compile-time directives list box, type the following:
    #include "afxolesv.rc"    // OLE server resources

    This #include statement takes care of including some string resources referred to by the framework OLE classes. AppWizard adds this #include statement to your application resource file if you choose the Container, Mini-server, Full-server, or Both container and server option. If you look at Scratch\Scribble.rc, you will see that AppWizard has added this same compile-time directive.

  4. Click OK to accept the changes you made in the Resource Includes dialog box.

  5. Click OK when the following message box appears:
    Directive text will be written verbatim into your resource script and may render it incompatible