Registering an OLE Server Application with Windows

In order to run your application as an OLE server, you need to register it with Windows. AppWizard provides code that does this for you when you simply run the application, as you saw in Previewing Scribble Running as an OLE Server. AppWizard also provides a text file, Scribble.reg, which you can use to register Scribble as an OLE server. You do this by running REGEDIT and merging Scribble.reg with the existing Windows registry file.

To use REGEDIT to register Scribble as an OLE server

  1. Run REGEDIT. (Note that on Windows NT, both REGEDIT and REGEDT32 are available. You can only merge a .REG file using REGEDIT.)

  2. On Windows NT, from the File menu, click Merge Registration File. On Windows 95, from the Registry menu, click Import Registry File.

  3. Select Scribble.reg from your Scribble project directory.

  4. When notified that the information has been registered, click OK and then close REGEDIT.

If you’re going to distribute your application, you should provide this registration as part of the application setup routine.

There are several ways you can do this: