Testing the Default Property Page

Use Test Container to verify that the default property page has controls linked to the Caption, CircleOffset, and CircleShape properties.

To test the default property page

  1. On the Tools menu, click ActiveX Control Test Container.

  2. On the Edit menu, click Insert New Control.

    The Insert Control dialog box appears.

  3. From the list box, select Circ Control.

  4. Click OK to close the Insert Control dialog box and insert the control into Test Container.

  5. On the Edit menu, click Properties... Circ Control Object.

    The Circ Control Properties dialog box appears.

  6. Click the General tab.

    The modified property page appears.

  7. Change the Caption, CircleOffset, and CircleShape properties using the property page. Click Apply to see your changes reflected in the control.

When you have finished, close Test Container.