AppWizard provides several source files for an OLE server application that you can use as-is in Scribble. The following procedures describe how to incorporate source files and code from the Scratch version of Scribble, which you created with the AppWizard full-server option, into the version of Scribble you’ve been developing step by step, and which did not initially include full-server support.
To add the new files to your Scribble project
These files provide “In Place” (IP) editing functionality for Scribble. Placing them in your project directory makes dependent files available to the project. When AppWizard generates Scribble.cpp with Full-server support, it adds OLE-specific code to the file.
Click Yes when prompted to register this version of Scribble.
The Insert Files into Project dialog box appears. By default, the dialog box points to your current project directory.
You can now view the added files in FileView and their associated classes in ClassView.
Because you added the help source file, Afxolesv.rtf, to the project, you need to modify the help project file.
Similar to the process for adding files to a project, you can’t just copy a help source (.RTF) file; you must add it to the Help project. Modifying the Help Project (.HPJ) file accomplishes this.