Using a Second Recordset

Enroll: Database Application, Lesson 3

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Note   If you are working through the DaoEnrol tutorial lessons, you will work through the topic Binding the Combo Box Control to a Recordset Field and a CComboBox Variable in this lesson.

Although AppWizard starts you off with one initial pair of recordset and record view classes, you can later use ClassWizard to add more recordset and record view classes. Multiple record views can view the same recordset. Conversely, a record view class can view more than one recordset, although only one of the recordsets can be its primary recordset.

In this lesson, you’ll add some code so that you can view more than one recordset with the same record view.

This lesson explains:

At the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to build and run the Enroll Step 2 application.