Viewing the Database Menu Resource

In this topic, you will examine the menu resource that AppWizard created and learn about the options provided for a database view with no file support.

Suggested Reading

To view the Enroll menu resource

  1. In ResourceView, expand the Enroll resources folder.

    This displays the resources associated with a project.

  2. Expand the Menu folder.

  3. Double-click IDR_MAINFRAME.

    The Menu editor opens, displaying the default menu that AppWizard created for the Enroll application.

  4. Click the File menu item to view its structure.

    When you created the project, you chose the option Database view without file support. Consequently, the menu resource shows only the Print, Print Preview, Print Setup, and Exit commands. The File menu has no New, Open, Save, or Save As commands. If you had chosen Both a database view and file support, AppWizard would have supplied these missing File menu commands.

  5. Close the Menu editor when you’re finished.

Note   If you choose the option Both a database view and file support in AppWizard, the document class plays two roles. First, it serves as a proxy for the database. Second, it represents the file that is opened and saved via the New, Open, Save, and Save As commands on the File menu.