What This Lesson Covers

This lesson explains how to implement:

The next topic, What Does Context-Sensitive Help Consist of?, describes the three kinds of help listed here.

AppWizard provides this level of help support for free when you choose the Context-Sensitive Help option when initially creating your application starter files. For a quick preview of the results, follow the instructions described in See Context-Sensitive Help in Action later in this lesson.

Similarly to Lesson 8, Enhancing Views, this lesson shows how to add functionality supported by AppWizard to your application, if you didn’t originally choose it in AppWizard. In Adding Help to Scribble After the Fact later in this lesson, you’ll learn how to add Help support to Scribble, since you didn’t select the help option in AppWizard when you originally created your Scribble starter files. This will demonstrate in detail all the work AppWizard does for you to provide a robust Help system for your application.

Note   You can find a finished example of this lesson's code in the Scribble Step6 sample source code directory.