Data View

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Important: Feature Only Available with Visual Database Tools   The Data View pane is supported only in certain products. Visual Database Tools are included in the Visual C++ Enterprise Edition. For more information, see Visual Database Tools or Visual C++ Editions.

Using the Data View pane, you can create, view, and edit files residing on a remote database server as part of a database project. The Data View pane is a starting point for managing your data source connections and the objects related to them.

The Data View pane is visible when your database project is connected to a data source. The data sources in your database project are displayed in a tree. For each data source in the project, the Data View pane displays certain items in separate folders. The specific folders available depend on the data source. For example, when you are using SQL Server 6.5 or later, separate folders are displayed for the following items:

You can drag an item from the Data View pane onto an editor window to create a data-bound form, control, or object. All data items displayed in the Data View pane are available programmatically to Visual C++ products from a Namespace object.

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Using Data View

Visual Database Tools

Database projects