Window Basics

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What do you want to do?

Display the shortcut menu for a window

Move a window

Size a window

Show or hide the status bar in the main Visual C++ window

Display the clock on the status bar

Place the most recently used windows at the top of the list on the Window menu

Specify the number of windows that will appear on the Window menu

To display the shortcut menu for a window

To move a window

To size a window

To show or hide the status bar in the main Visual C++ window

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Workspace tab.

  2. Select Display Status Bar to show the status bar, or clear the Display Status Bar check box to hide it.

Notes   The status bar displays useful information. Its leftmost text field, for instance, describes the currently selected menu command or the action of the button currently under the mouse pointer.

The status bar also displays progress information about the current operation. For a text editor window, it shows the line and column position of the insertion point, the state of the RECORD KEYSTROKES AND COLUMN MODE, whether the editor is in insertion mode or overstrike mode, and whether the file is set for read-only access. The clock can also be displayed on the status bar as described below.

To display the clock on the status bar

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Workspace tab.

  2. Select Display Clock On Status Bar.

To place the most recently used windows at the top of the list on the Window menu

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Workspace tab.

  2. Select Automatically Sort Window Menu.

To specify the number of windows that will appear on the Window menu

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Workspace tab.

  2. Enter the number of windows in the Windows box.