Working with Document Windows

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What do you want to do?

Tile all document windows

Tile a selection of document windows

Overlap document windows

Split document windows

Show or hide document windows and display project documents when you open a project

Begin or end full-screen mode

Change the full-screen mode window settings

Redisplay the full-screen toolbar button while in full-screen mode

To tile all document windows

To tile a selection of document windows

  1. On the Window menu, click Windows.

  2. Select the windows you want to tile from the list in the Windows dialog box.

    If the window names are adjacent in the list, click the top name you want and hold down SHIFT and click the bottom name to select those and all names in between. If the names are not adjacent, click the first name and hold down CTRL and click each of the other names.

  3. Click Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically in the Windows dialog box.

To overlap document windows

To split document windows

  1. On the Window menu, click Split.

  2. Drag the splitter bars in the window to the location you want, and click the mouse to set the location of the splitter bars.

To show or hide document windows and display project documents when you open a project

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Workspace tab.

  2. Select Reload Documents When Opening Workspace to display project documents or clear Reload Documents When Opening Workspace to not show them.

To begin or end full-screen mode

Note   When you initially select full-screen mode, a toolbar button with a small graphic of a computer screen is displayed. You can toggle full-screen mode on and off by clicking this button.

To change the full-screen mode window settings

  1. Begin full-screen mode.

  2. Press ALT+T to display the Tools menu.

    You can display and use the Tools menu, although the Menu Bar is not visible.

  3. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Editor tab.

  4. Choose the Window Settings that you want and click OK.

Note   The Menu Bar is automatically hidden in full-screen mode, but you can display the menus individually by using the keyboard.

To redisplay the full-screen toolbar button while in full-screen mode

  1. Begin full-screen mode.

  2. Press ALT+T to open the Tools menu. (The Menu Bar is automatically hidden in full-screen mode, but you can open a menu by using the keyboard.)

  3. Click Customize, and then click the Toolbars tab.

  4. Click the Full-Screen check box and then click Close.

Tip   You should open a file for editing before beginning full-screen mode. If a file is not opened first, full-screen mode is displayed as a large, empty screen. If this happens, press the ESC key to restore the original screen mode.