Navigating in the Query Designer

See Also

You can work in the Query Designer using the keyboard or the mouse. Refer to the following tables for specific methods.

Any Pane

To Press Click
Move among the Query Designer panes F6, SHIFT+F6 Anywhere in the target pane

Diagram Pane

To Press Click
Move between input source windows (and to join lines, if available) TAB,
The input source window or join line to move to
Move between columns in an input source window Arrow keys The column to go to
Choose the selected data column for output SPACEBAR1 or
PLUS key
The check box next to the name of the column
Remove the selected data column from the query output SPACEBAR1 or
The check box next to the name of the column
Remove the selected input source or join line from the query DELETE Right-click, and then choose Remove

1If multiple items are selected, pressing this key affects all selected items. Select multiple items by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking them. Toggle the selected state of a single item by holding down CTRL while clicking it.

Grid Pane

To Press Click
Move among cells Arrow keys or TAB or SHIFT+TAB The target cell
Move to the last row in the current column CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move to the first row in the current column CTRL+UP ARROW
Move to the top left cell in the visible portion of grid CTRL+HOME
Move to the bottom right cell CTRL+END
Move in a drop-down list UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW The button in the cell
Select an entire grid column CTRL+SPACEBAR The column header
Select an entire grid row The button to the left of the row
Toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode F2
Copy selected text in cell to the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+C
Cut selected text in cell and place it on the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+X
Paste text from the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+V
Toggle between insert and overstrike mode while editing in a cell INS
Toggle the check box in the Output column SPACEBAR1 The check box
Clear the selected contents of a cell DELETE
Remove row containing selected data column from the query DELETE1
Clear all values for a selected grid column DELETE
Insert row between existing rows INS after you select grid row
Add an Or … column INS after you select any Or ... column

1If multiple items are selected, pressing this key affects all selected items.

SQL Pane

You can use the standard Windows editing keys when working in the SQL pane, such as CTRL+Arrow keys to move between words, and the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands on the Edit menu.

Note   You can only insert text; there is no overstrike mode.

Results Pane

To Press Click
Move between cells Arrow keys or TAB or SHIFT+TAB The target cell
Move to first or last cell in current row HOME or END
Move to the last row in the current column CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move to the first row in the current column CTRL+UP ARROW
Move to the top left cell CTRL+HOME
Move to the bottom cell in the first column CTRL+END
Move to first or last character in a cell SHIFT+HOME or SHIFT+END
Select an entire grid column CTRL+SPACEBAR The column header
Select an entire grid row The button to the left of the row
Toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode F2
Toggle between insert and overstrike mode while editing in a cell INS
Insert a new row into the grid (moves to last row in grid) INS while cell is selected
Delete a row from the table DELETE1
Undo changes for the current cell ESC in cell that has changed
Undo changes for the current row ESC in cell that has not changed
Enter null into a cell CTRL+0
Copy selected columns or rows to the Clipboard CTRL+C
Copy selected text in cell to the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+C
Cut selected text in cell to the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+X
Paste text from the Clipboard (in edit mode) CTRL+V

1If multiple items are selected, pressing this key affects all selected items.