Site Designer Error Messages

Only error messages generated by Site Designer are available here. If you get an error message that is not described here, you might need to check the Microsoft® FrontPage® error message topics in the FrontPage documentation.

Error message areas See
Adding existing pages to a site diagram The file is already used in the site structure.The URL you have chosen already exists in the site structure. Would you like to add the existing navigation structure for this URL?
Creating pages in a site diagram Could not add files to the project.
Could not add files to the master Web server.
The file does not exist.Unable to apply themes, layouts, or project defaults to the new files.
Deleting and removing pages from a site diagram Could not delete files from the project.
Are you sure you want to delete these files?
Cannot remove modified pages from the diagram.
File or server extension versions This site diagram was created in a newer version of Site Designer.
Incompatible version of the FrontPage Server Extensions. You need at least version XX.XX.XXXX.XX.
Miscellaneous messages Adding this page to the global navigation bar will detach it from its parent. Continue?
Refreshing the diagram will discard any changes that have been made. Continue?
Naming pages The folder does not exist.
The specified file name is not valid.
Parent pages must be an .htm or .asp file in your Web project.
Opening site diagrams Unrecognized file format.
Some changes have not been saved. Unsaved changes may not display properly. Would you like to save your changes?
Saving pages and saving site diagrams You are working in local mode. Any changes you make to your site diagrams, including the addition of new pages, will be made on the master Web server.Cannot remove modified pages from the diagram.Unable to apply themes, layouts, or project defaults to the new files.
Previewing or viewing pages Some changes have not been saved. Unsaved changes may not display properly. Would you like to save your changes?
These pages must be added to the project before you can proceed. Save your site diagram and try again.