You can add, delete, rename, or move files or folders in the Project Explorer. When you rename or move items, the changes are applied immediately to both the master application and the local application whether your project is in master or local mode. Other developers who have the project open can see the changes applied to the master application after they refresh their Project Explorer.
Caution If the local application is out of synch with the master version, operations to reorganize the project may fail. You might want to refresh or synchronize your project before reorganizing the project.
Reorganizing a project also affects the links in the files. Files that you rename, delete, or move are called target files. Files that link to the target files are called referring files.
You can choose whether referring files are updated to reflect the changes you make to target files. By default, you are prompted to update the referring files. For more information about setting link repair options, see Repairing Links.
To delete files or folders
You might need to change the names of files or folders.
To rename files or folders
Note If you have a working copy of a file, you need to release it before you are allowed to rename it.
You might want to change the location of files or folders in your Web application.
To move files or folders
You might want to copy files or folders in your Web application.
To copy files or folders