Database Basics

Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ gives you the capability to connect to data in most databases. For example, you can connect to SQL Server, Microsoft® Access, or Oracle databases. Once you've established a connection to a database, you can select a particular set of records from the database, and display this set of records on your Web page.

To make displaying and editing data on your Web page easy, Visual InterDev supplies a wide variety of data-bound design-time controls:

When you add a design-time control to an ASP or HTML page, the control automatically places script on the page, which displays the data and enables functionality such as editing the data or navigating through the records. You can also extend the functionality of the Web page (for example, add validation or custom navigation) by writing event handlers which can modify the state of the controls.

Note   You can also use the data environment to add data connections and create and manage data-bound controls in one location. This enables you to create powerful custom solutions directly, using the Visual InterDev editor and debugger to modify the script that displays and manipulates the data on the Web page. For more information, see The Data Environment.

To See
Select a database and establish a connection to it Connecting to a Database
Specify the set of records you want to display Querying the Database
Display the data in the database and provide navigation among its records Displaying Records
Create forms using the FormManager Creating Event-Driven Forms
Create controls and display data using the data environment Viewing Data

The Data Environment