Documentation Map

The Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ documentation has been designed to appeal to a variety of learning scenarios. You can move through the documentation in several ways, depending on the type of information you like to read, the information you know least about, or your preference for accessing information. You can also reference additional material that supplements the Visual InterDev core documentation.

Types of Information

We supply several types of information, depending on what you like to read first. To find these various types of information in the outline, see the Contents tab.

To See
Find specific step-by-step instructions Individual procedures in the Tasks sections throughout the documentation
Follow a typical development process Walkthroughs in the Getting Started section
Find sample scripts that you can use in your own Web applications Example descriptions and script in the Samples section
Understand the background or the inner workings of the technology Conceptual topics at the start of most major sections
Find specific information about controls, objects, scriptlets, dialog boxes, error messages, etc. The Reference section
Solve unanticipated problems Troubleshooting

New Information

If you know something about databases, but not about HTML, or vice versa, the documentation can help you get up to speed. The documentation supplies both basic information and advanced topics about the Web, database, and scripting aspects of Visual InterDev.

To learn about See
Web applications and the Visual InterDev development process Web Project Management

Web Basics

Creating Web Projects

Databases and database projects Database Basics

Integrating Databases

In addition, see the Introducing Microsoft Visual Database Tools documentation

Editing HTML and script Editing Basics

Editing and Scripting

Changes to Visual InterDev since the previous release What's New in Visual InterDev 6.0
Moving from Visual InterDev version 1.0 to version 6.0 Migrating from Visual InterDev 1.0 to Visual InterDev 6.0

Access to Information

You can access the information in the documentation in several ways, depending on your preferences and needs.

To Use
Find information on an error message, dialog box, or command The F1 key or the Help button.
Look up specific information directly, such as the name of a feature or control The Index tab in Help. In Visual InterDev, choose Keywords from the Help menu.
Browse for information The Contents tab in Help. In Visual InterDev, choose Contents from the Help menu.
Check across the entire documentation set, and expand or limit your search In Visual InterDev, choose Search from the Help menu.

The table of contents has been arranged to provide easy access to information about the primary Visual InterDev features.

Additional Information

The following information available in the larger Microsoft® Developer Network (MSDN) Library supplements the information provided for Visual InterDev.

For information on See
Accessibility Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
Active Server Pages Introducing Active Server Pages

ASP Object Reference

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Overview

ADO Object Model

Database Designer Introducing Microsoft Visual Database Tools in the Microsoft® Visual Database Tools documentation
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Dynamic HTML

DHTML Objects

Internet Explorer 4.0 Document Object Model

Microsoft® FrontPage Server Extensions Navigate to the FrontPage Server Extensions Resource Kit.
HTML HTML Elements
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 Client-side Data Binding Data Binding
Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Scripting Edition VBScript Reference

VBScript Tutorial

Microsoft® JScript™ JScript Reference

JScript Tutorial

Microsoft Transaction Server Setting Up Microsoft Transaction Server

MTS Overview and Concepts

Query Designer Introducing Microsoft Visual Database Tools in the Microsoft® Visual Database Tools documentation
Security Security Ramifications for IIS Applications

Microsoft Windows NT® Access Control

The Microsoft® Visual Studio™ shared interface Help topics available from the Help button or F1