Integrating Databases

This section of the documentation provides information about data connections, database management, the data environment object model, server and client access to databases, as well as other data access information. The topics in this section are divided into three categories: conceptual information, task information, and samples.

Use the conceptual topics to find in-depth background information about key aspects of database integration.

Use the task topics to find step-by-step instructions for accomplishing a specific task.

Use the sample topics to find descriptions of examples from the Sample Gallery that illustrate some of the concepts discussed in this section.

Note   For information about using the Microsoft® Visual Database Tools, see Introducing Microsoft Visual Database Tools

For information about See
Web servers and databases, data connections, and database management Data Access Architecture
Data environment contents, the data environment object model, and dragging and dropping in the data environment The Data Environment
Server and client access to databases, data-bound controls and the script object model, and designing database access Data Binding
Procedures for viewing and modifying data, and accessing and managing databases Database Tasks
The data entry form, data-bound grid, customized query, and quote of the day examples Database Samples