Scripting with Design-Time Controls and Script Objects

To create the user interface for your application, you can use the Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ scripting object model and Visual InterDev design-time controls. The Visual InterDev design-time controls include standard user-interface elements — text box, label, check box, list box, command button, and so on.

When your Web pages run, design-time controls create script objects based on the scripting object model. You can add functionality for your application by writing scripts that work with these script objects.

To See
Read an overview of the scripting object model, design-time controls, and script objects The Scripting Object Model
Create the user interface for your Web pages using design-time controls Creating Forms with Design-Time Controls
Get and set properties, call methods, and respond to events in script objects Writing Script for Script Objects
Refer to ASP pages as objects and execute their functions as methods Extending the Scripting Object Model Across Pages
Use page objects to run server script without leaving a client page Executing Server Script Remotely