Data View Options (Data Tools—Options Dialog Box)

See Also      Tasks

Allows you to set Data View options, such as how queries are executed, or whether to display system objects in Data View.

The Data View options can be set from the Options dialog box on the Tools menu in the Data View tab of Data Tools.


Query Options

Limit SQL output

Select to limit the maximum number of rows returned from a query or stored procedure run during design time in Data View, and enter the number of rows in the text box to the right. This option is selected by default, and the maximum number of rows is set by default to 500. The minimum number of rows is 1; the maximum is 9999.

SQL query time-out

Enter the time in seconds a query run from Data View will run before execution is canceled. The default is 30 seconds. The minimum is 1 second; the maximum is 65535 seconds.

SQL login time-out

Enter the time in seconds a query run from Data View will attempt to login to the database it's being run against before execution is canceled. The default is 15 seconds. The minimum is 1 second; the maximum is 65535 seconds.

Database Options

View system objects

Select to show system objects in Data View. System objects, such as the sysProperties table that stores the properties for a SQL Server database, contain general information about a database, as opposed to data entered by the user. This option is not selected by default.

Show all objects

Select to show all of the items in an Oracle database in Data View (not just the items that the user owns). This option is project-level and applies only to one user. This option is selected by default.

If this option is selected, the following mutually exclusive group of options is enabled.

Sort by owner

Select to sort the list of objects in each Data View folder by owner name, then by object name.

Sort by object

Select to sort the list of objects in each Data View folder by object name, then by owner name.