General Tab (Grid Properties Dialog Box)


Use this tab to set the general look and size of the Grid design-time control.



Style name

Select the type of style to apply to the grid. Styles allow you to choose from different colors and styles of formatting, either to use as-is or as a basis to begin customizing. A preview of the selected style is displayed in the Preview area.


Displays an example of the grid with the currently selected style. This preview is disabled if any property is changed using the Format tab or Borders tab of this dialog box.


Displays the name of the grid. To change the name of this control, edit it in the source of the page containing this control.


Specify the width of the grid and the unit of measurement. The width is set for the entire Grid control and not for a specific column. The width can be specified by a fixed number of pixels or by a percentage of the browser window.

Display header row

Select to specify that the header row of the grid should be displayed. The header row is used to describe the contents of the column.

Scripting Platform

Displays the platform (Server or Client) of the recordset selected for this control, or allows you to select a platform or use the page's default platform setting (Inherit from page) if you haven't selected a recordset. Sets the DTCScriptingPlatform property for the control.

After you set a recordset, the Scripting Platform property is read-only for the control. To change the platform, select a different recordset.

Scripting language

Displays the language the Grid control will use when generating the script. This value is read-only and is inherited from the HTML document.