General Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

See Also      Tasks

Use this tab to view details, to set link repair options, and to set Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ mode options for a Web project. You can view the local Web application name, the local Web application URL, the project file name, and your working directory for a Web project.

Note   Project properties are read-only while you are offline. To change these settings, you must be connected to the network.


Local Web server

Web name

Displays the name of the local Web project.


Displays the full URL for the local Web project on your local machine. Use this address to view the root of the Web project. To change the local Web server, edit the VirtualRoot property in the Properties window.


Project file

Displays the name of the Web project file. When you want to work on this Web project, select this file from the path listed in Local directory.

Local directory

Displays the directory path for the local Web project files on your local machine. To add existing files to your Web project, place the files in this directory and then select Add Item from the Project menu.

Link repair

By default, Web projects are created with link repair on. When link repair is on, links in files that have been moved or renamed are automatically repaired and the links in referring files are repaired according to your settings.

You can specify how Visual InterDev repairs links that refer to the moved or renamed file using the Web Projects tab in the Options dialog box on the Tools menu.


Select to disable the automatic update feature so that links in any file in this project are not repaired when files are moved or renamed. You can manually update any affected links.


Select to automatically modify links in files that are moved or renamed. Visual InterDev repairs links that refer to files that are moved or renamed according to the setting for the Link Repair option on the Web Projects tab of the Options dialog box.

Always update navigation structure on local Web server

Select to update the navigation structure on the local Web server when you switch between master mode and local or offline modes.

The PageNavbar design-time control uses the information in the navigation structure to generate navigation bar links.

If unselected, the navigation structure information for local files will not update when you switch between working modes. To use the most current navigation structure information, check this option and refresh the project.

Note   Depending on the size of the Web application, Visual InterDev may take a considerable amount of time to update the navigation structure each time you switch modes. If you do not work with navigation bars or if your navigation bar links are final, you should unselect this option.