Launch Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

See Also      Tasks

Use this tab to set the defaults for debugging pages in your Web project. You can select the default page, method, and parameters.

Note   Project properties are read-only while you are offline. To change these settings, you must be connected to the network.

For more information about debugging, see The Script Debugging Process, Debugging Your Pages, and Debugging Remotely.


Start page

Displays the URL for the page you want to debug when you launch the debugger. URLs can be relative or absolute.


Displays the name and value of the parameter or query string for the file specified in the Start page box.

Server script

Automatically enable ASP server-side script debugging on launch

Select to debug server script remotely. Your local machine must be configured to use master and local mode and DCOM.

Automatically enable ASP client-side script debugging on launch

Select to debug ASP script on your local machine.