Lists Tab (CSS Editor Window)

See Also      Tasks

Use this tab to specify the type of bullet used in lists and the placement of bullets. For more information, see CSS Attributes.

Note   The CSS Editor allows you to modify HTML tags supported by Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later. HTML tags not supported by Internet Explorer will be converted to UNKNOWN when you save the .css file. For more information, see HTML References.


Display the list item as


Select to set that the list items inherit the list item marker from the parent element.

Unbulleted list

Select to display list items without bullets.

Bulleted list

Select to display list items with bullets. Select the bullet type in the Standard bullets drop-down list.

Standard bullets

Select to set the type of bullet displayed before list items. Choose from circle, disc, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, and upper-alpha.

Use image

Select to specify a custom graphic to display before list items. Enter the path and name of the graphic or choose Browse to search for a graphic.

Bullet Placement


Select to position the bullet using the bullet position of the parent element.

Inside list

Select to indent the bullet position. If the text following the bullet exceeds the length of the line, the text will wrap under the bullet. For example:

 This is an example of the Inside bullet placement. You will notice that this line of text wraps under the bullet.

Outside list

Select to position the bullet flush with the margin. If the text following the bullet exceeds the length of the line, the text will wrap under the text above.