Sample Application Wizard

See Also      

Use this wizard to install the Microsoft® Visual InterDev™ Gallery sample application or to install third-party Web applications. You can also use the Sample Application wizard to install your own custom Web applications.

Additional sample Web applications will be available from the Visual InterDev Web site.

For more information about the Gallery Sample Application, see the Visual InterDev Samples Page.

The Sample Application wizard steps you through the process of selecting a Visual InterDev sample or custom .inf file, selecting a Web server and application name, specifying a working mode, and choosing a database type and server.

When you have completed this wizard, you will have the following types of files and folders installed:

File or folder Location
Local Web application folder Your workstation
Web project definition files (.vip and .sln) Your workstation
Web project files and folders Your workstation
New virtual root Local Web server
Master Web application folder Master Web server
Application root Master Web server
Global.asa file Master Web server
Search.htm file Master Web server

For more information about these files and folders, see Project Architecture and Web File Processing.

Tips for Using the Wizard

The following issue should be taken into account when you run this wizard:

Next Steps

You can use the Sample Application wizard to install your Web applications on a client's workstation and server.

The Sample Application wizard uses the information contained in an .inf file to determine how to install the Web application files. An .inf file is a text file that specifies the location of the Web files and database files to be installed on the client's machine.

To use the Sample Application wizard to install your own Web application files, you must create a custom .inf file. For an example of an .inf file, see the existing .inf file for the Gallery Web application.