Custom Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)


The Custom Tab allows you to define commands that will be applied before and after building your project. When you build, Visual J++ creates a batch file that contains the commands specified in this dialog box. Visual J++ then executes the pre-build rules, if any, before building your project. After your project has successfully been built, the post-build rules are executed, if any are defined. All output from the pre- and post-build commands is displayed in the Visual J++ Output Window.



This option contains a list from which you can select your build type. This setting is global to all the tabs in this dialog box.

Your choices are:

Pre-Build Commands

A multi-line text box that defines the commands to execute before building the currently specified project. The pre-build commands can be any batch command or program you wish to execute. Clearing the text box prevents any pre-build commands from occurring.

Post-Build Commands

A multi-line text box that defines the commands to execute after building the currently specified project. The post-build commands can be any batch command or program you wish to execute. Clearing the text box removes any post-build commands.