This property is a collection of the members of the class, both fields and methods. The collection can be filtered in various ways with the optional parameters passed when getting the property.
HRESULT Members(
[in, defaultvalue("")] BSTR bstrName,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL fIncludeInherited,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] IJavaClass *pWhoIsAsking,
[in, defaultvalue(0)] JavaNamespaceFlags flags,
[out,retval] IJavaMembers **ppMembers
Property Members([ByVal bstrName As String], [ByVal fIncludeInherited As Boolean], [pWhoIsAsking As IJavaClass], [ByVal flags As Long]) As IJavaMembers
Member name to return.
Passing VARIANT_TRUE adds members from all superclasses to the collection.
Reference to IJavaClass member.
JavaNamespaceFlags flag.
The bstrName parameter allows you to retrieve members with a particular name. Passing VARIANT_TRUE for the fIncludeInherited parameter adds members from all superclasses to the collection. Passing an IJavaClass pointer in the pWhoIsAsking parameter excludes members from the collection that are not accessible from the given class. Finally, flags from the JavaNamespaceFlags enumeration can be specified.