This property returns the textual (Java source code) representation of a type that corresponds to a type signature. The given type signature must conform to the Java signature format. A parameter specifies whether a class name appearing in the returned name should be expressed as a simple name or as a fully qualified name.
HRESULT TextFromType(
[in] JavaReferenceType jrt,
[in] IJavaCompileUnit* pUnitDest,
[in] BSTR bstrType,
[out, retval] BSTR* retval
Function TextFromType(ByVal jrt As JavaReferenceType, pUnitDest As IJavaCompileUnit, bstrType As String) As String
Flag from the JavaReferenceType enumeration specifying the type of reference name requested.
The compile unit in which the type name is used. Can be Null.
The type signature to be converted.