JavaPrototypeFlag, JavaPrototypeFlags

The following flags are associated with this enumeration:

JPF_NONAME Do not include the element's name in the prototype. It is mutually exclusive with JPF_CLASSNAME and JPF_FULLNAME
JPF_CLASSNAME If the element is a member of a class, prepend the name of the class and a period to the name.
JPF_FULLNAME Prepend the package name to the class name. Includes JPF_CLASSNAME.
JPF_TYPE For class members, include the type of the field or return type of the method before its name.
JPF_PARAMTYPES For methods, include a list of parameter types in parentheses after the name.
JPF_PARAMNAMES Include the parameter names.
JPF_FULLTYPENAMES Specifies fully qualified names for reference types included in the prototype.