Form Type (Data Form Wizard)

See Also   Tasks

Allows you to select the name and type of form you want to create.


Form Name

Allows you to specify the name of the form. This name is also used to name the form's source file. The name of the data source (without its extension) is used as the default name.

Form Layout

Single record   Specifies a form that displays one record at a time. This is the default.

Grid (Datasheet)   Specifies a form that displays the selected fields in the Grid (Datasheet) format using the data bound grid control.

Master/Detail   Specifies a form that displays a Master record source and a Detail record source linked together. The Master record source is in single record format and the Detail record source is in a Grid (Datasheet) format. When data in a Master record source row changes, the data in the Detail record source automatically changes based on the link between the two.


When this option is selected, ADO DataSource and DataBinder controls are placed on the form. These controls are used to set the data source connection and perform data binding at design time. If the selected form type is Grid (Datasheet), a DataBinder control will not be placed on the form. This option is selected by default.


When this option is selected, all data source connection and binding of controls on the form is done through code. Use this option if you want to have fine tune control of how data binding is performed in the form.