Because of the ole modifier, the Microsoft VM automatically assumes that the native Add function returns an HRESULT. The VM notices that the Add function returns an integer. When invoking Add, the VM automatically allocates a temporary variable of type int and inserts a pointer to it as a third parameter. After the native Add function returns, the VM automatically checks the HRESULT and if it indicates a failure (high-bit on), a Java exception of type is thrown. If the HRESULT does not indicate a failure, the VM retrieves the Add function's true return value from the temporary variable it created, and it returns that value.
Unlike Java/COM integration, a return value of S_FALSE does not cause a ComSuccessException to be thrown. If you need to distinguish between success results, you need to use normal DLL calling mode and treat the HRESULT as an integer return value.
To summarize, ole mode alters the semantics of DLL calling as follows: