Introduction to WFC Programming

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Windows Foundation Classes for Java (WFC) is a set of class libraries that works seamlessly with the Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool Visual J++. The combination of this class framework and RAD tool make it easy to build fast and powerful applications and components for the Microsoft platform using the Java language. WFC brings the Java language to the Win32 platform and the Dynamic HTML (DHTML) object model, which is a W3C standard supported by Internet Explorer 4.0. This means you can use Java to solve real problems today and know that you have a smooth migration path into the future.

A goal of WFC is to provide complete and compelling component and programming models for Java. Because Java provides a unique set of advantages in terms of language features, it is the language of choice for developing Windows and DHTML applications using this new programming model.

WFC enables developers to quickly build rich Win32 applications and ActiveX controls in Java by using the Visual J++ Forms Designer to drag and drop controls onto a form, set properties, and generate event handlers. Developers can also easily access data on a server from their applications and deploy their applications as Windows .EXE files or Internet URLs. Moreover, they can build their own WFC components by using the designer or writing code directly in the editor. Finally, developers can access the DHTML object model using Java classes.

The rich application model takes advantage of the J/Direct technology to access the Win32 API. However, it makes it much easier to program by taking care of details like Window message-handling procedures, message pumps, messages, window handles, and so forth. The application model is open, so experienced Win32 programmers can intermix J/Direct calls with WFC classes to add any functionality available on the Win32 platform.

If you are looking for a quick “hands-on” introduction to using Visual J++ to develop a WFC application, take a few minutes to walk through Creating a Windows Application with WFC, which steps you through building and running a simple WFC application.

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