Return Value Pointers

Win32 functions that have multiple return values typically handle them by having the caller pass a pointer to a variable to be updated. For example, the GetDiskFreeSpace function has the following prototype:

BOOL GetDiskFreeSpace(LPCTSTR szRootPathName, 
                         DWORD  *lpSectorsPerCluster,
                         DWORD  *lpBytesPerCluster, 
                         DWORD  *lpFreeClusters,
                         DWORD  *lpClusters);

GetDiskFreeSpace is typically called as follows:

DWORD sectorsPerCluster, bytesPerCluster, freeClusters, clusters;
GetDiskFreeSpace(rootname, &sectorsPerCluster, 
                 &bytesPerCluster, &freeClusters, &clusters);

In Java, this is just a special case of passing scalar arrays where the array size is one element. The following example shows how to call the GetDiskFreeSpace function:

class ShowGetDiskFreeSpace 
  public static void main(String args[])
    int sectorsPerCluster[] = {0};
    int bytesPerCluster[] = {0};
    int freeClusters[] = {0};
    int clusters[] = {0};
    GetDiskFreeSpace("c:\\", sectorsPerCluster, bytesPerCluster, 
                     freeClusters, clusters);
    System.out.println("sectors/cluster  = " + sectorsPerCluster[0]);
    System.out.println("bytes/cluster = " + bytesPerCluster[0]);
    System.out.println("free clusters = " + freeClusters[0]);
    System.out.println("clusters = " + clusters[0]);

  /** @dll.import("KERNEL32") */
  private native static boolean GetDiskFreeSpace(String rootname,
                   int pSectorsPerCluster[], int pBytesPerCluster[], 
                   int pFreeClusters[], int pClusters[]);