Finding Text in Multiple Files


To find text in multiple files

  1. On the Edit menu, click Find and Replace.

    The Find tool window appears.

  2. In the text box next to the Find button, type the search text.

    You can also use the drop-down list to select from a list of your previous search strings.

  3. From the Look In combo box, choose the types of files in which to search.

  4. Click Browse, to display the Look In dialog box.

  5. Highlight the top level folder in which to begin the search.

  6. Click Add.

    The name of the folder appears in the bottom text box of the Look In dialog box.

  7. Click OK to return to the Find dialog box.

  8. Click the Subfolders check box to include files in subdirectories of the previously selected top-level folder.

  9. To begin your search, click Find.

    A list of files containing the search text appears in bottom window of the Find dialog box.

  10. Double-click an entry from the list.

    An editor window containing the file opens with the line containing the search text selected.