Record Source Step

In the Record Source step of the Data Form Wizard, you select the fields that you want to bind to the controls on the form.

Note   If you selected the Master/Detail layout in the Form step, the Data Form Wizard provides Master Record Source and Detail Record Source steps. First use the following procedure for the Master Record Source step; then click Next and repeat the procedure for the Detail Record Source step.

To specify the bound fields

  1. In the Record source drop-down list, select the name of a table that contains the fields you want to bind. (When defining a master record source in a Master/Detail form layout, select the table whose records are uniquely identified by the common field. For the detail record source, select the related table.)

  2. The Available fields list contains the fields in the specified table. The Selected fields list contains the fields that will be bound to your form, in the order they are listed. Use the following buttons to move fields between the two lists:
    Button Description
    > Moves the selected field in the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. The selected field will be bound to a control on the form.
    >> Moves all fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. All fields will be bound to controls on the form.
    < Moves the selected field in the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list. The selected field will not be bound to a control on the form.
    << Moves all fields from the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list. No field will be bound to a control on the form.

    Note   The Data Form Wizard cannot bind fields that have a binary data type.

  3. To change the order of the bound fields, select the field in the Selected Fields list and click the up arrow button or the down arrow button.

  4. To sort the data that will be displayed by the form, select a field in the Column to sort by drop-down list.

  5. If your form layout is Single record or Grid (Datasheet), click Next to add additional controls to the form.


    If your form layout is Master/Detail and you have finished choosing the master and detail record sources, click Next to specify the master/detail relationship.