Setting Compiler Options

See Also

Visual J++ provides a number of compiler options to help optimize compiled output and to assist in the debugging process of an application. The Compile tab of the <Project> Properties dialog box provides a way to set these options. Most of the options provided in this dialog box are check boxes that you can set to enable or disable a feature. For information each of the options in the dialog box, click the Help button located in the dialog box.

If you want to specify conditional compilation symbols to be used when compiling your code, you can define them using the options on the Compile tab. Enter conditional compilation symbols into the Conditional compilation symbols box and separate each entry with a comma. For more information on setting symbols and conditional compilation, see Conditional Compilation.

In addition to the compiler options that can be changed in the dialog box, you can also define additional compiler options that are passed to the compiler after the other options have been passed. You can specify additional compiler options by entering them in the Additional compiler options text box. Each option should be separated by a space. For more information on available compiler options, see JVC Command-Line Options.

Another compilation setting that you can specify in the Compile tab is the Output Directory. This box allows you to specify a directory in which the project's compiled files are to be placed. If your project has any packages defined within it, Visual J++ creates those packages in the output directory and compiles any source files in those packages. You can use this setting to specify a location for a debug or release build of your project. By default, this box is left empty; thus, all project output is placed in the project directory.

Note   The Configuration list allows you to have different settings for release and debug builds of your project. You can use this feature to specify specific compiler settings and the output directory for each configuration of your project. An All Configurations setting is also available to make changes global to all configurations of your project.