14.18.2 Execution of try-catch-finally

After the great captains and engineers have accomplish'd their work,
After the noble inventors—after the scientists, the chemist,
the geologist, ethnologist,
Finally shall come the Poet . . .

—Walt Whitman, Passage to India (1870)

A try statement with a finally block is executed by first executing the try block. Then there is a choice:

The example:

class BlewIt extends Exception {
	BlewIt() { }
	BlewIt(String s) { super(s); }

class Test {

	static void blowUp() throws BlewIt {
throw new NullPointerException();
} public static void main(String[] args) { try { blowUp(); } catch (BlewIt b) { System.out.println("BlewIt"); } finally { System.out.println("Uncaught Exception"); } }

produces the output:

Uncaught Exception
	at Test.blowUp(Test.java:7)
	at Test.main(Test.java:11)

The NullPointerException (which is a kind of RuntimeException) that is thrown by method blowUp is not caught by the try statement in main, because a NullPointerException is not assignable to a variable of type BlewIt. This causes the finally clause to execute, after which the thread executing main, which is the only thread of the test program, terminates because of an uncaught exception (§20.21.31), which results in printing the exception name and a simple backtrace.