15.12 Array Access Expressions

An array access expression refers to a variable that is a component of an array.

ExpressionName [ Expression ]
PrimaryNoNewArray [ Expression ]

An array access expression contains two subexpressions, the array reference expression (before the left bracket) and the index expression (within the brackets). Note that the array reference expression may be a name or any primary expression that is not an array creation expression (§15.9).

The type of the array reference expression must be an array type (call it T[], an array whose components are of type T) or a compile-time error results. Then the type of the array access expression is T.

The index expression undergoes unary numeric promotion (§5.6.1); the promoted type must be int.

The result of an array reference is a variable of type T, namely the variable within the array selected by the value of the index expression. This resulting variable, which is a component of the array, is never considered final, even if the array reference was obtained from a final variable.