7.2.1 Storing Packages in a File System

As an extremely simple example, all the Java packages and source and binary code on a system might be stored in a single directory and its subdirectories. Each immediate subdirectory of this directory would represent a top-level package, that is, one whose fully qualified name consists of a single simple name. The directory might contain the following immediate subdirectories:


where directory java would contain the standard Java Application Programming Interface packages that are part of every standard Java system; the directories jag, gls, and wnj might contain packages that the three authors of this specification created for their personal use and to share with each other within this small group; and the directory COM would contain packages procured from companies that used the conventions described in §7.7 to generate unique names for their packages.

Continuing the example, the directory java would probably contain at least the following subdirectories:


corresponding to the standard packages java.applet, java.awt, java.io, java.lang, java.net, and java.util that are defined as part of the standard Java Application Programming Interface.

Still continuing the example, if we were to look inside the directory util, we might see the following files:

BitSet.java										Observable.java
BitSet.class										Observable.class
Date.java										Observer.java
Date.class										Observer.class
Dictionary.java										Properties.java
Dictionary.class										Properties.class
EmptyStackException.java										Random.java
EmptyStackException.class										Random.class
Enumeration.java										Stack.java
Enumeration.class										Stack.class
Hashtable.java										StringTokenizer.java
Hashtable.class										StringTokenizer.class
NoSuchElementException.java										Vector.java
NoSuchElementException.class										Vector.class

where each of the .java files contains the source for a compilation unit (§7.3) that contains the definition of a class or interface whose binary compiled form is contained in the corresponding .class file.

Under this simple organization of packages, an implementation of Java would transform a package name into a pathname by concatenating the components of the package name, placing a file name separator (directory indicator) between adjacent components. For example, if this simple organization were used on a UNIX system, where the file name separator is /, the package name:


would be transformed into the directory name:




would be transformed to the directory name:


In fact, the standard JavaSoft Java Developer's Kit on UNIX differs from the very simple discipline described here only in that it provides a CLASSPATH environment variable that specifies a set of directories, each of which is treated like the single directory described here. These directories are searched in order for definitions of named packages and types.

A package name component or class name might contain a character that cannot correctly appear in a host file system's ordinary directory name, such as a Unicode character on a system that allows only ASCII characters in file names. As a convention, the character can be escaped by using, say, the @ character followed by four hexadecimal digits giving the numeric value of the character, as in the \uxxxx escape (§3.3), so that the package name:


which can also be written using full Unicode as:


might be mapped to the directory name:


If the @ character is not a valid character in a file name for some given host file system, then some other character that is not valid in a Java identifier could be used instead.