8.4.5 Method Body

A method body is either a block of code that implements the method or simply a semicolon, indicating the lack of an implementation. The body of a method must be a semicolon if and only if the method is either abstract (§ or native (§


A compile-time error occurs if a method declaration is either abstract or native and has a block for its body. A compile-time error occurs if a method declaration is neither abstract nor native and has a semicolon for its body.

If an implementation is to be provided for a method but the implementation requires no executable code, the method body should be written as a block that contains no statements: "{ }".

If a method is declared void, then its body must not contain any return statement (§14.15) that has an Expression.

If a method is declared to have a return type, then every return statement (§14.15) in its body must have an Expression. A compile-time error occurs if the body of the method can complete normally (§14.1). In other words, a method with a return type must return only by using a return statement that provides a value return; it is not allowed to "drop off the end of its body."

Note that it is possible for a method to have a declared return type and yet contain no return statements. Here is one example:

class DizzyDean {
int pitch() { throw new RuntimeException("90 mph?!"); }